1 I Halleys coract appcars once in every 76 yean as great sheaf of lighten' the heavens. It Is now nearing the earth, though still so far that it is difficult for human mind to comprehend the great distance. It is approaching the vicinity of the earth at the inconceivable speed of two and one half millions miles per day. It is now visible about 4.30 a. m.
After May 1 8it. will appear in the western heavens bri seemingly larger and brighter. alout sunset 'flic appearance of this celestial visitor once in a long lifetime has been invested with-a strange meaning. the middle ages it aroused superstitious fears. Yet fearless kings and great warriors.
saw in the comet a sign of victories and better things to This time, by our own actions the Household Outfitting Company will make the days, of the comet An Occasion of Unparalleled Commercial Activity A Gigantic Furniture Sale Such as Comes Seldom, Like Halleys Comet. I he da) of the Coifiet" will be known in Scranton as the time of the Household's Big Sale, the event will be known by homeowners as the bargain event ofa -lifetime. The glare of low prices shall light the way to this store as the comet illuminates the skies. We shall inaugurate a campaign to popularize this store, which will involve such a sacrifice of piofits that no other firm would dare to follow. We will prove to you by prices that this store does sell for less than any other dealer would attempt.
9x12 Velvet Room Rugs Sell Regularly Everywhere at $22.00. Now 14.35 14.35 Quartered Oak Leather Dining Chair, $1.98 I lie Uiair we are placing on sale this week ha' a genuine leather seat. If is a full box chair, which insures its strength. It is made of sea'oned selected oak, highly polished. It is a splendid design, as vou can see cut.
It is equal to any $3 50 chair on the market. Quantity! limited ome carlv. Couch I his splendid Loudi made with a solid oak tranie neath carv ed It is gracefully designed and i' lit ted with uiwd claw teet The and made otinmagable 'tttl 'pring' 1 he up ilation i- $11.25 holstering i' ut the highest standaid the i menu 5 mill find this a big value at Velvet Hug-. sic 9x1-. ui a Mipenor quality in 1 1 i mot staple pattern' tloial ami Ori- 1 n.il dc'ig-n' I Bedroom Stand, ExactlyVLikcCut.y $14.35 10,000 Yards Brussels and Ingrain Carpet Extra Special Prices In Ingiaiim, gu i i hJ and tan Aiailc' rtn ul 1 ll 4' i 2 20 I oil' Weight 111 grains all shade', wot tli too vaid T-Jj lolls lieaw 111 In 'l patient', veil ti'iijlh at 90c ow luC in roll' clo'C weave Ihu-' 'iN ai pet btautil 11 I and design- a i hiulRcilia 1 1 a ami ci 'ii pc not quality A eh et' A i nr llhi'ta litetime.
I7.tra cheap at. ai Princess Dresser, (Like Cut $11.50 llii' solid tak L)i i "cr i' a speeiallv giaietul dc'ign is pal tictilarh well made and luushcd It iv fitted with a beveled plate mirror, sie 1830. 'I lie case is fitted with loomv easy working diawers, good locks and lieaw brass pulls A oil'll find this excellent alue. 98c good eize shelf underncatlf. It strong' and (finished! in golden qoak.
The quality pfl aa fan inTxcess''-of what thopriccxvvould indicate. -u 'r 2 At -i Refrigerators Sanitary, easy- to clean kind all parts removable, like illustration, No place for dirt to settle. They will saveyour-ice bills. $5.95 Bed Davenport li a Leather Bed lluv cnpoit. ijike cut.
Only eleven leil. All ot these should he sold in one day. Made with a splendid oak fiarnc, good upholstering and steel spungs. Its value is $27.50, but our 'ale puce, while they last, $18.95 Solid Oak Library Table bargain like this onus once years, 1 ike Halley's comet. It's oak, highly polished, lias lrcncli kg', large drawer and lou-t-i shelf.
Worth $12 50 Till' cck, $7.50 7 tviMr -i ff'llt Leatherette Go-Cart 1 lie hood and buuv of tins cait is made of leatherette. It isia new design of a single motion collapsible call It is looniy and comfortable when open; very compact when closed. Has lubber tned wheel' and a strong, practical foot brake. A $10 00 Lait lor China Closet Mirror $14.75 iIade with double strength bent glass, sides'. ample, shelf room for dishes hnd glassware.
The frame, is made of polished seasoned oak. Buy while thei price is low. Come this 'week. i iOfJff ft ff fR 4 Ckjis Hardwood Lawfl Setlce Has oval slats on scat and five on back. All slats screwed on.
Settee 3) feet 98 W-SacVP. AM $6.50 vV nnii 4 GIRLS WROTE LOVE NOTES ON EGGS. i Welsh, this night shot and Hilled John and Louis Jones, father and son. because they were, beating Arthur Taylor, who tried to take JUs, Cleek part whin she demanded a board bill from the HE UK SCRAP OVER RAIESSAD lIRE PACKER, MIST JOE, EOR CONGRESS Believing. It ts be for tbs interests of tbs people, and tbs promotion of party harmony, I will oppose tha rs-elertion of MrgCannon as speaker of tba houseif reprewntaUreh.
I miy say worda that. my political creed is the general adranretnont of tbs so-called Roosevelt pohclea-Iegtslatlod for tbs benefit sf tbo people, and economy In tbo administration of the government, and honesty In pubUe service GARTER WORTH $1,500. Jvewr York, April 22. Whose mother or grandmother remembers having: lost a Jeweled, monoeTammed garter some race day years ago on the old board walk of the Long Island lailroad. In Kant New York.
7 tearing up the old platform on which tli gay throngs of eara agio used to gather to depart for the Lang: Island Jookey club's races, discovered the garter, which Is estimated to be worth l.xOO. i Tha monogram appears to have been i The 'Montrose people, It is said, have agreed to all the propositions except the bond end. They will take half the amount the company wajnts sold and thus the matter stands. In the tneantime Susquehanna people and papers are pointing out the ad vantages of a route that Includes their town. COBB FOR THE SENATE.
Rockland. April 22. In an offl clal statement ex-Governor William C. Cobb, of this c(ty. announced hi candidacy for the United States senate He sys- 1 am a candidate to Succeed Eugene Hale and sbgll begin an immei diat campaign.
I shall not make a canvas in Aroostook county, the home of Frederick A. Power 4 4 4- 4- 4- 4 4-: 4 4- 4- 4- A number of romances that are likely to eventuate in wed-K-dlngs have sprung up in and 4- about Hazleton recently through -the medium of notes kiritten on hens eggs. The eggs, gathered F. bv the farmer girls, had the names of the damsels on when 4r'they reached the Hazleton gro-4- crv stores. The clerks there started- sending postals to the.
girls, then letters followed, yihotogrsphs were exchanged and now eoltalre rings are being sent out either fc. V. S- W. Goldsmith's Bazaar di Ad, Will Be Found on Page A quiet war It being wageI between Susquehanna and Montrose as to which one will be on fEqfoute chosen by th Scranton Binghamton Railway on the route It proposes to travel between Binghamton and thla city. Originally It as Intended to run the line through Susquehanna, but the promoter sirs said to have let the fact become known in Montrose that the company' line would be run through that town, providing th franchise, right of way and a sution were provided free of ihsrge and that cltl-ens efthe toan would purchase J1S -00 la bonds.
illjamsport. Pa April 2i Horace B. Par ter. ot WelLboro, stembar of the flfly-flfth and tfty-aiath reagreaaea, be la a candidate for th Bepublicas edminatloa la cos-great front tbs FVUaanth district, composed of Lycoming, Clinton, potter sod-Tioga counties. 'S baa issued what he calls tbs political creed Upon which bo proposes 'to mate tbs contest at tbo comic primaries.
He said If sleeted to congress, 1 will I adeocats sad support all prog resslro leglslt- ties lstaadsd ts advance tbs intsrests of tbs people, sad bohd up rhs country. I aaa la cordial srmpatby w'fh tba pollelas inaugurated hr Pras.dsat XoosoTstt to copssrro tba satwrat reaoorces af the country for fbe bra -1 ad of pres rut as future gmeratwaa WARDANI'S TRIAL. CsEto, KrjpC April 22. The trial of Ibrahim Vv ardanl, charged with the assaaslnttion of 'Tremier Boutros Pasha. hera under condl-1 tions that showed the government 1 fear of a nationalist uprising.
Inter-' national lntereet waa attracted to the! case by Colonel Roosevelt reference to It In his Cairo speech. All treet leading to the courthouse were closed and no on wsi admitted to th court yithout ticket Policemen-surround ed the court -oue and med up half th audience In th courtroom. I i OPTICIAN S. H. TWINING AI 44F 4, '4'4-4, KILLED TWO MEN.
Milk Liesnasa. Inspector Wldmsrsr will Issue milk liceosss a tbs foliowlsg dates during tkts adontb Stud Sdth. twb and With, tbs latter being tba lax dag He wtil ba at bis eStt frsts ts a. m. 111 REKK.AVt C.
sHseeew 'D-veg tank Wheeling Va, Alice Clerk, wife of a April 2. Mrs. i hotel keeper at.