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- Publication:
- The Harlan Daily Enterprisei
- Location:
- Harlan, Kentucky
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- 4
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SUNDAY EBRUARY I WBL THE HARLAN DAILY ENTERPRISE DEATH TRAP OR INDIANA MINERS the 1 COMMISSIONER'S SALE all clasped it in both of his She (Continued from Page One) COMMISSION SALE Harlan Circuit Court Kentucky SALE Harlan Circuit Court Kentucky COMMISSIONER'S SALE Harlan Circuit Court 'Kentucky and No of six per cent per annum from the Cth day of November 1925 At last Peter knew the I SALE Harlan i Circuit Court Kentucky Kentucky 0 SALE Harlan Circuit Court Kentucky SALE SALE NOTICE SALE SALE and if the tide from deed Platt Don Louis Little Bettv coal mine at Linton Ind where 38 workers were Ben were killed Seven men who barricaded themselves against gas and Cir No in LOVETT ELECTED A PRESIDENT white oak thence a stone thence 41 white oak thence a stone thence 41 white oak thence dueceted Press Photo trapped by an explosion Twenty nine were rescued Two others were rescued iP i Jellico Grocery Co Plaintiff vs razier etc Defendant Equity virtue of ir judgment and order of sale of the Harlan Cir cuit Court rendered at the No vember Term thereof 1930 in the above cause for the num 78 with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum fromthe 1st day of December 1930 until paid and all costs herein I shall proceed to often for sale at the Court House door in Harlan Ky to the highest bidder at public auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary 193 ut 1 ing lias accumulated in this sci ence and that religion There have been wars and bloodshed father has fought against son and son against father but through the stress and turmoil of it allr the vital facts of life have not chang ed There is much to learn about life The greatest study is man And the first subject is yourself Johnson Paris News Gos der Campbellsville News Journal Newberry Campbellsville News Journal Wesley Carter Campbellsville News Journal Dick Edwards Greensburg Berk shire Boone County Recorder Burlington Keith Hood Trim ble Democrat Bedford Charles A Kirk Paintsville Herald oe Lovett Murray Lee Beamer Louisville Stiles Associated Press Louisville Alco*ck Danville Daily Messenger Norris Ashland Daily Independ ent argey Ashland Daily Independent Warren isher Car lisle Mercury Brainard Courier Journal Louisville McWain Courier Journal ville PM or thereabout (being Coun ty Court day) upon a credit of six months the following des cribed property to wit: Beginning where the county road crosses the railroad right of way an the Pine Mountain side of the iuui ruiA ivivux uxcumi vi Cumberland River just below the mouth of the Smith Branch thence a westward course on the line of a tract of land owned by the Coal co*ke Company known as its burying ground tract of land thence with lots to another corner of his lots thence northward with line to a corner of Rufus line' to a county road at a stone thence with the county road to the beginning Or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to be made or the purchase price the pur chaser with approved surety or se curities must execute bond bear ing legal interest from day of sale until paid and having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders will be prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court (1 29 1 3t) rom will be prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court C1 29 1 3t) No in the above cause for the sum of WHAT HAS HAPPXHiU BEORE Boole Ar hotel Hoti confided to Jony an at the mitsion wfcew Peter had found her asleep and that she heard him call her a Jh4t the fact that Peter was 00? ing to build a new mission and marry another woman with her money re rlred her resentment The way May had been actino convinced Jenny that Ker mtstrees wae in love The next day Peter invited her to hie country home whwh was intended to be the site of the new mieeion There Peter found a letter from hie wiclo from which he learned that he was to have been disinherited and that a woman named May isher was to have been the beneficiary a NOWGO ON WITH THE STORY Chapter Six Coming Into the mission he espied May bending over a huge kettle of soup By dint of coaxing he won her from the kitchen to his office There he surprised her by showing her a room furnished completely for her private use "I fixed it up myself" he told her happy that she seemed pleased "Now you have to leave hero late at night any more glad you love the mission as much as I May looked at his flushed eager face and held out a friendly band He should do Peter sent her to house first and promised to arrive later May had settled herself In the grand old home comfortably and was waiting for Peter Wheh the doorbell rang She rushed to an swer it and opened tho door The man she saw standing there caused the greeting to freeze on her lips Well May It was Kings extending a hand cordially "of all the twenty million pboplo in the United States the last one I expected to seo hero been looking all over for you and was about to give up when up you pop you glad to see she sulil calmly not" "What are you doing he asked gustily Mrs Peter Kingsley stared at her Of tho impossibilities this was the greatest ho thought But May as sured him it was true She also told him the whole story Hiw she had intended to deceive Peter only to i get the money away from but had remained to fall In love and marry him "I want to keep my husband them This leads to crime to prison to want to i unhappiness and to despair Learn to control your thoughts and you will control your instincts When you do life will unfold be fore you ahd you will see it in all its richness i as you now see it in all its darkness The men who have succeeded in life were possessed just as strong pas sions as you but they trained them kept them under control When one of these elemental in stincts tries to overpower you lick it on the spot then and there never petinit it to gain even one victory I When you ihave mas tered that instinct you will find it ready to served you iri the "right way It will be a positive force for you and an able Roosevelt was fond of saying feel bully I have a bad tem per under good All successful men have themselves well under control They never let a fear instinct overpower them in a crisis If they do they are lost and know it Lawyers try to lead their opponents into los ing their temper and therefore their case Prize fighters try to do the same thing also ball play ers and all contestants who have learned the value of poise and self control ami the weakness of tem per 4 Away back yonder before we ever heard of radios and itele graph Old King Solomon wrote that is slow to anger is bet ter than the mighty and he that ruleth the spirit than he that tak eth the No wonder they called him wise Much water has flowed silently under the bridge since then and much learn Harlan Circuit Court Kentucky Black Motor Company' Plain tiff vs Weimer Thomas Jennie Thomas Defendants Equity By virtue' of a judgment and order of sale of the Harlan cuit Court renered at the vember Term thereof 1930 By virtue execution 6270 directed to me which is issued from the office of the Har lan Circuit Court in favor of City of Cumberland against Denver Cox and Cinda Gilley I or one of my Deputies will on the 2nd day of ebruary 1931 between the hours of 10 A and 2 clock at the Court House door in Harlan county of Harlan Kentucky expose to Public Sale to the highest bidder the follow ing property (or so much there of as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of debt in terest and cost) to wit: A certain parcel of land located in Harlan County Kentucky near the junction of Looney Creek with Cumberland River being the same land conveyed to first parties by deed from Raines and wife which is duly recorded in Book at page in the office of the County Court Clerk of Harlan County Kentucky Being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stone near the Jom Couch property thence 50 leet nortn to a 82 feet west to feet north to a 82 feet west to feet south to a 82 feet east to place of beginning The amount of this execution i 3142(12 plus cost of this action upuu us iiiv uiupeiiy ui Cinda Gilley 1 Terms: Sala will her maiiefor cash Thic 2nth itav a 1 09 1 IL BLAIR Sheriff iC Icult Court rendered at the Nov (1 29 30 2 1 3t) tember term utexeoi xuov tn me above cause for the sum of Sev enty five Dollars ($7500) with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 24th day of i March 1927 until paid and all costs 'herein 1 shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House door in Harlan Ky to the high est bidder at public auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary 1931 at one or thereabout being County Court day) upon a credit of six months the following described property to wit: Beginning at the corner of the i fence between Martin Creech and: Etta lorence Eldridge about 30 feet from a wild cherry tree thence running with said Creech line to Block Coal Co corner near a sourwood tree or stump thence east with said fence about 120 feet to a post which has on it thence south in line with Gilbert southwest comer fence which corners near a post with A on the post thence west to the beginning corner about 100 feet to a starting point containing one half acre more or less and bein? the same land conveyed by deed May 25 1927 from Etta lorence Eldridge and Jess El dridge to John Shackleford which deed is recorded in Deed Book 61 page 48 4 Harlan County Office Or sufficient thereof to produce tho sums of money so ordered to be made or the purchase price the pur chaser with approved surety or se curities must execute bond bear ing legal interest from day of sale until paid and having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders will be prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms RICE Master i Harlan Circuit Court (1 29 1 3t) SALE 1 Harlan Circuit Court Kentucky Grover Ball et al Plainti vs Gregory et al Equity 4 By virtue of a judgment and order of sale of the Harlan Cir cuit Court rendered at the No vember Term thereof 1930 i in the above cause for the sum of $92000 with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 1st day of ebruary 1930 un til paw ana an costa nerein i shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House door in Harlan Ky to the highest bidder at pub lic auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary 1930 at one clock or thereabout (being County Court day) upon a credit of three months the following described property to wit: All of the houses equipment machinery chutes inclines side tracks tramways buckets motors and all other and singular the equipment of the hereinafter des cribed premises to wit: Lying on Clover ork near land and or railroad right of way and bounded by the land of Leonard Smith Kel ly Dotson No land and Kelly Or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to be made or the purchase price the pur chaser with approved surety or se curitics must execute bond bear ing legal interest from day of sale until paid and having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders will be prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court (1 29 1 3t) Harlan Circuit Court Kentucky Wilson Plaintiff vs Gro ver Blanton etc Defendant rquity i By virtue of a judgment order of said 'of the Harlan tendered at theember tbeitot' J9di Harlan Circuit Court Kentucky Wilson Plaintiff vs Gro ver Blanton etc Dclgndant Equity By i virtue of a judgment order of sale of the Harlan cuit Court rendered at tin vember Term thereof 1930 the ubovu cause for the sum of $29237 with interest at the rate of six ner cent ner annum front the 6th day of November 1925 i until paid and ull costs herein 1 shall proceed to offer for sale at? tho Court House door in Harlan Ky to the highest bidder at pub lic auction on Monday tho 2nd day of ebruary 1931 at one o'clock or thereabout (be ing County Court day) upon a credit of six months the follow ing described property to Property of Joe Long being situated in the Town of Wallins Creek Kalian County Kentucky on tho west side of Cumberland Street fronting 125 feet on said street and extending back all eqnual width of 125 feet more or less adjoining the property of Wilson Or sufficient thereof to product! the sums of money so ordered to be made or the purchase price the pur chaser with approved surety or se curities must execute bond bear ing legal interest from day of sale until paid and having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders will be prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms It RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court 1 (1 29 I3t) $23852 with interest nt the rate of six pre cent per annum from the 6th day of November 1925 until paid and all costs herein I shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House door in Harlah Ky to the highest bidder at pub lic auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary 1931 at one or thereabout (be ing County Court day) upon credit of six months the follow ing described properly to wit: Propi rtv of Willie and'iDewey Saylor being situated in the town of Wallins Creek Harlan County Ky on the West side of Cumber land Street fronting 125 feet on Harlan Circuit Court Kentucky Mo os Brewer Plaintiff vs John and Mildred Shackleford De fendant Equity By virtue of a judgment and I order of sale of the Harlan Cir sha said slpcqrely hap py tell him May isher think I married him fir the money and lib mustn't ba cause 1t I married for i Just then Prior entered puzzled at seeing a strange man conversing with May Kingsley Introduce himself and said ho had come to settle the will and the matter of May isher la connection with tho Crane estate i been talking to your ho looked al May and saw her eyes fixed pleadingly on him "I just dropped In to make a re port on May isher May seemed about to faint but remained gazing at Kingsley as a criminal might look toward the exe cutioner "or weeks I've been on her trail without getting any news whatever But a short time ago in fact this afternoon I got news of He smiled and looked directly at May "May isher is dead? he pro nounced clearly "This removes complications as far as you are concerned Mr Morton You can now build your new He walked out of but left behind him a girl torn by doubts She wanted to do right want to deceive Peter sho would face it with the courage which al ways seemed to at hand at any crisis May decided "Kingsley she said brokenly to "ho lied to protect me He told you May isher was dead but she May isher" She broke down completely and wept hysterically Peter did not know which way to turn There could be only one construction on his mar riage after the confession he thought May had married him for the money It was the crudest blow of his life his world which a mo ment 'before had seemed so sound so filled with crum bled about him and left him with out a foundation upon which to rest There was only one place to turn to the mission xway from May i (To bo continued) said street and extending back an equal width of 125 feet more or less adjoining the property ofless Blanton Or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of ptvney so ordered to be made: i or the pui'chaso price the pur chaser witfi approved surety or sc curities must execute bond bear ing legal interest from day of sale Until paid and having the force s' nnd effect of a judgment Bidders will bo prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court (1 29 1 3t) Wallins Baptist Church Plain tiff vs Preston and Myrtle Preston Defendant Equity By virtue of a judgment and order of sale of the Harlan Cir cuit Court rendered at the No vember Term thereof 1930 in the above cause for the sum of $1 00000 with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 23rd day of January 1929 until paid and all costs herein I shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House door in Harlan Ky to the highest bidder at public auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary 1931 at one or thereabout (being Coun ty Court day) upon a credit of six months the following describ ed property to wit i Two lots located in the Town of Wallins on the Main Street and being the same land deeded to par ty of the first part by Ben gey et al to Preston Trustee for Myrtle by deed bearing date 29th 1928 and said mortgage being of record in Mortgage Book No 30 at page 352 in the records of the Harlan County Court of fice Or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to be made or the purchase prifee the pur chaser with approved purely or se curities musts execute bond bear ing legal interest from day Of sale until paid and having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders will be prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court (1 29 1 3t) SALE" Harlan Circuit Court Kentucky (li Im bjfjsaylng gjve hoot about the mission It's I wknled to stick lirb thoszmc (way if you' were grocery Atore or' a tpeakeaiyl Now I sup ipkfiurThl At last Peter knew the woman ha really loved rhad loved since ha first met her It was May you stick ha asked tremulously she breathed Mil lions were forgotten In the happl hess'of becoming Peter's wife They warp married and never were two people more happy than May and Peter Her conscience rebelled at times because she was deceiving Peter as to her identity but she dared not jeopardize her happiness by telling him that sho was really May isher As far as she was concerned all that she asked of life was to work side by side with Peter Morton her husband May was' regenerated trans her chief Interest in life was the mission work and to that she devoted herself whole hearted ly she was a little afraid that the tough men trying to break up tho strike would injure Peter or her because of their friend liness toward the strikers who sought refuge In the mission otherwise the work progressed smoothly One night May returned home to find Jenny reading the personal which Kingsley had Inserted in a San rancisco newspaper asking May to communicate with him you write him a let ter telling him lost and want to stay lost" Jenny advised couldn't tell him that and I tell Peter the truth 1 It he knew I were May isher she paused frightened at what tho con sequences would be rather die than have him find out" When Peter came to the apart tnent he noticed her white face bnt attributed it to overwork He sug gested a week end at the country estate left by his nncle and May acquiesced eagerly It would give frex tlmqtq tblnk bvei what she George Hogg Admr etc Plain tiff vs Lynch National Bank etc Defendant Equity By virtue of a judgment and order of sale of the Harlan Cir cuit Court rendered at the Octo ber Term thereof 1930 in the above cause for the sum of ap proximately $100000 with inter est at the rate of six per cent per annum from the day of 193 until paid and all costs herein I shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House in Harlan Ky to the highest bidder at public auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary 1931 at 1 or thereabout (be ing County Court day) upon a credit of six months the following described property to wit: irst Tract: Lot No 27 in the Addition' to the town of Poor ork Ky (Lot more fully described in the judgment and or der of sale herein) Second Tract: Lot No 10 in the ields Addition as shown on plat of same which is on file in the County Court office which lot was obtained from Gilbert Creech and wife by deed reflated April 17 1926 Tract No 3: Lots No 3 5 6 7 8 and 9 of Block of the Uornett Keliy Addition to Town of Cumberland Ky to which lots were obtained Cornett and others bv bearing date May 31st 1924 in Deed Book No 52 page 185 Or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to be made or the purchase price the pur chaser with approved surety or se curities must execute bond bear ing legal interest from day of sale until paid and having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders will he prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court (1 29 1 3t) SALE Harlan Circuit Court Wilson Plaintiff Gro ver Blanton etc Defendant Equity By virtue of a judgment and order of sale of the Harlan Cir cuit Court rendered at tho vember Term thereof 1930 the above cause for the surn'of $13560 with interest at the rate er annum from vim ulii uuv jl iuvriiiucr a jau i until paid and all costs herein I shall proceed to offer for sale nt the Court House door in Harlan Ky to the highest bidder at pub lic auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary 1931 at one clock or thereabout (be ing County Court day) upon a credit of xix months the follow ing uesenoea property to wit: Property of Calloway be ing situated in tho town of Wal lins Creek Harlan County Ken tucky on the cast side of Cum berland Street fronting 50 feet' on said street and extending back an equal width a distance of 125 feet more or less adjoining the property of Henry Morgan Or sufficient thereof to produce tho sums of money so ordered to be made or the purchase price the pur chaser with approved surety or se curities must execute bona bear ing legal interest from day of sulu until paid and having tho force and effect of a judgment Bidden win do preparca to comply prompt ly with these terms RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court tl 29 1 3t) I wish lo announce to my friends that after ebruary Iw Will no longer be con hected with the A Dairy I appre ciated patron if age and friendship during my connec tioff with this organi 'ii wish totha ok you 1 w'k vi i BERGER Cir No in the above cause for the sum of $16750 with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 11th day of March 1929 un til paid 'and all costs herein shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House door in Harlan ky to the highest bidder at pub lic auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary 1931 at one or thereabout (be ing County Court day) upon a credit of six months the follow ing described property to wit tvs Being lots numbered 9 IQ 11 and 12 of the Howard Ad dition to Wallins Creek Kentucky as shown on the map of said ad dition which is now on file in the Clerk's office of the Harlan' Coun ty Court reference being hereby made to said map of record for a more full and complete descrip tion of the property hereby con veyed i Or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to made or the purchase price the pur chaser with approved surety or se curities must execute bond bear ing legal interest from day of sale until! paid and having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders Rachael Mack Howard Plaintiffs vs John Ledford etc Defendants Equity By virtue of a judgment and order of sale of the Harlan Cir cuit Court rendered at tho No vember Term thereof 1930 in the above cause for the sum of $370000 with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 31st day of January 1929 un til paid and all costs herein I shall proceed to offer for sale st the Court House door in Harlan Ky to the highest bidder at pub lic auction on Monday the 2nd day' of ebruary 1931 at one or thereabout (be ing County Court day) upon a credit of six months the follow ing described property to wit: A certain lot or parcel of land' situated in Hui lan County Ken tucky and in the Creech Addition to the town of Loyall and being Lots 13 and 14 in Block A of the said Addition Also tho follow ing described personal property: 6 dressers 9 beds 9 mattresses 1 center table 1 buffet 1 settee 10 chairs 8 water pitchers 16 pil lows 26 quilts 16 pillov' cases' I 24 curtains( 1 wash stand 10 springs 1 library table 1 folding bed 1 kitchen table 2 swings 8 wash basins 8 slop jars 8 blank ets 12 sheets 12 window shades ahd 7 stools Also the further sum due Smith Ball of $200000 with interest from January 31 1929 Also the further sum due Clay and Wall of $50000 with interest from January 31 1929 or the put chase price the pur chaser with approved surety or se curities must execute bond bear ing legal interest from day of sale until paid and having the force iw' and effect ot a judgment Bidderswill be prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms'' y's' RICE Master 1I Hiulun Circuit Court (1 29 21 3t) of entertainment has been ar ranged after which the members ill be guests at theatre parties given by the Strand and Kentucky houses Dr' A ortune pastor of Central Christian church will de liver the principal address at the dinner tonight His subject will Common The Uni rsity of Kentucky concert band will play selections and there will bu a dancing specialty The business sessions of the meeting will continue Saturdayulminating in the afternoon with the election of officers for the coming year jThose registered at 'the meeting toflay follew i Lyman Barrett Ohio County News Hartford Victor Port man department of journalism Gerald Griffin Courier Journal LeTqngton bureau James' Shrop shire' department of journalism Groug West Liberty lem Smith Georgetown i Georgetown Niel Plummer de partment of i journalism Helen king publicity bureau of tK A Beatty Winchester Stfn Williams 'Somerset Journal Rebecca Edwards' Versailles Woodford Sun Herndon Evans Pineville San Marguerite Mc Laughlin dstroment di journal ism Irein'jiJ A0thews Chicago Charles jBhimfti Berea Citizen Albert SchiiMkl Berea RojrK Walters Befeifrjoyd IlaMrbi son Lexington Brewer Lou isville American Sherman Por ter iLexington Auto Club News Peak University of Ken tucky Sulzer publicity bu reau Wesley Clark Ashe ville Holliday Kentucky Kernel University of Kentucky irgiria Daugherty Kernel University of Kentucky Dan Bowmar Woodford Sun Ver sailles Allen Cynthiana Democrat Hedden Jr Mt Sterling Advocate Sneff Mt Sterling Sentinel Democrat A Lane Mt Sterling Sentinel Demo crat Stamper A Beattyville Enterprise Henry Water Lou i Paper Company Lacy Owingsville News Outlook Keene Johnson Richmond Daily Register Hublcy Elizabeth town Enterprise Charles Bro te County News Pikeville Hudson Pike County News Pikeville Mildred Babbage Breckinridge News Cloverport Conley News Recorder Lou isa Erwin Lancaster Rec ord Grote News Recorder Louisa Russell Dycho London Sentinel Echo elix Impe rial Type Metal Co Chicago SThompson Kentuckian Citizen Thompson Kentuck ian Citizen Paris BellBed ford Democrat Tavlor Rev ord iHerald Greensburg Cart Laura Bi Cawood Plaintiff vs Cawood etc Defendant Equity By virtue of a judgment and order of sale of the Harlan Cir cuit Court rendered at the Octo ber Tenn thereof 1930 in the above cause the 'sum of $4 22024 with interest at the rate of six per cent per finnum from the thirtieth day September i 1930 until paid and all costs here in I shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House door in Har lan Ky to the highest bidder at public auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary 1931 at one or thereabout (be ing County Court day) upon a credit of six months the follow ing described property to wit: Tract Beginning at a stake in the north line of Poplar Street a corner between Huff and Cawood estate thence 27 45 68 feet with the line be tween said Huff and Cawood es tate to a stake in the South line of a 12 foot alley thence with the line of alley 67 00 155 feetito a stake in the west line of Rain Street thence with the line of Rain Street 10 45 about 80 feet to the corner of intersection of Rain Street and Poplar Street thence with the North line of Poplar Street 67 00 about 106 feet to the begin ning Tract Beginning at a stake in the north line of a 12 foot alley said stake being located 67 00 1380 feet from the cor ner of the Sherman Burkhart lot thence 27 45 13800 to a stone thence 37 10 675 ft to a marked fence? post in the west line of a 15 foot lane thence with said lane to the West line of Rain Street thence with the said west line of Rain Street to the North line of said 12 foot alley thence with the North line of said 12 foot alley 67 00 about 23 feet to the beginning Tract Beginning at a stakc the southeast corner of the Sher man Burkhart lot thence with the east line of said lot produced 27 45 1880 feet to a stake or stone in the South side of the Louisville Nashville Railroad right of way thence with said right of way eastwardly to tne soutn ana west line or tnc lane leading to Smith branch and Rain Street thence with the south and west side of said lane southwardly to a marked fence post thence leaving said lane 73 10 675 feet to a stone marked thence 27 45 1280 feet to a stake in the North line of a 12 foot alley thence with the North line of said alley 67 00 1380 feet to the be ginning with its appurtenances Or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to be made or the purchase ''price' the pur chaser with approved surety or se curities must execute bond bear ing legal interest from day of sale until paid and having force and effect of a judgment1 Bidders will be prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms" I RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court (1 29 1 3t) China Blanton Plaintiff vs Thompson and wife Defendant Equity By virtue of a judgment and or der of sale of the Marian Circuit Court rendered at the November Term thereof' 1930 in the above cause for the sum of $48089 with intpypat nt tho mitn ftf civ nnr He That Taketh The City I cent per annum from the 8th dayi jof March 1928 until paid and all (Continued from Page One) a herein shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House door in Harlan Ky to the highest bidder at public auction on Monday the 2nd day of ebruary JL931 at 1 or thereabout (be ing County Court day) upon a credit of six months the follow ing described property to wit: Lots No 10 and 11 of Block 6 of Howard Addition to Wal lins Creek Kentucky as shown on the map of said Addition which is now on file in the office of Harlan County Court refer ence being made to said map for a full and complete description of the property Or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered 'to be made 1 1 or the purchase the pur chaser with approved surety or se curities must execute bond) bear ing legal interest from flay of sale until paidj find 'having the force and effect of a judgment Bidders will be prepared to comply prompt ly with these terms RICE Master Harlan Circuit Court (1 29 1 3t) 2 At Pcfer knew the woman he had lov'd rinee he firstmet her It was May Smitji "Will yonetick around foreverf" Ke askeg tremnliAtslyi 1 1 1 1 1 "orever" the' bredihed: She was happy to become Pelee IVffiVIM EREIVT Columbia picture krf jb tn vi iv i nr nmn iii 1 jimLu 4 or Uiy 1 4 ri 1 1 re V1 1W vvqrevv'M waw i (i ari 1 immrI I 0 I Wyi r'i 5 I yv 9'1 1 Hr Hi I fHH1 I 'fr 'W 4 44 1 Lf ry ys y'?.
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