Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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PAGE THIRTY-THREE Monday Evening December 21 1953 FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM 71' 'OVER DETROIT 4 Aussie to Help US Net Team -qv AODrERSONATH nice Alabama Resume Drills Browns Gel 7-Point Nod ogortn 47uot Is i II i 1 '4t''! th 4 77777N 1-114: 14' 2: '1 vo -1 '-t t4': r4 001 i -N7 Aordltil? at) sit40 i 440- 1 3' 4 1)(--yr 6 it 11 it 1 4 4' I 11' 41 ort -it: i oh (Nii --T 4 4 I'A ellia" 4111P111016 1 --s l''' 1 LIIi 4 11 'D Jima 1- 40 'irrl- ------boe I BY GEORGE KELLAM 4-- StorWOrarrano Snorts Writ' THERE'S A FAMILY angle to the Luling-Ranger high school Class lA state championship football game BILLY BROWNING left halfback for Ranger is cousin of AZLE BROWNING head coach at Luling Among the sporting 4 personalities at the Ranger-Clifton semifinal game were DELL MORGAN and A (Red) BALE Rice assistant coaches HAROLD (Chesty) WALKER head man at Phillips High 11 BLAIR CHERRY former Ranger High and University of Texas coach and SAM BAUGH I Hardin Simmons associate coach at 4 04' PORT NECHES the 3A state champion is sending its team to see the Rice-Alabama game 1 1 in the Cotton Bowl The students chipped in the money at a recent sweetheart election at the school The sweetheart LORETTA WALDO TONTO COLEMAN Georgia Tech assistant and brother of the Big Spring coach CARL COLEMAN watched the 3A title game DELL HUBERT MILLER Port Neches center and MORGAN member of the Star-Telegram's all-state team is the cousin of DON (Kirby) MILLER University of Texas and DAN MILLER Baylor freshman Both Don and Dan were all-staters while at Port Neches WHILE ON A business trip to New Orleans recently CHARLEY CONWAY ex-Frog gridman met A MONROE former TCU eager Monroe is in business in New Orleans ROBERT A BENNETT of Arlington has been elected president of Fort Worth's new senior shooting group the Bell Rod and Gun Club t' 'I ---z la 'te 1' ''''4: 3 i Ai 4i MELBOURNE Dec 21 (10 A stra Ilan professional Dinny Pails has been hired to help hone the American Davis Cup tennis' team for the challenge round against Australia Dec 28-30 Bill Talbert captain of the United States contingent said Pails will join the Americans Tuesday and work out twice a day with the team through Saturday The Americans will also have a chance to work out with Ted Schroeder who was a member of the United States team two years: ago He is here on a writing and radio assignment for an Ausm tralian newspaper and has offered his services "We are not getting Pails as a teacher although he can help in that respect" Talbert said "Our purpose in hiring him is to give the boys some first-class competition this week" Pails formerly was a member of the Australian Davis Cup team He later turned pro and toured with Bobby Riggs' tennis exhibitionists having a long series with Pancho Segura One of the game's all-time great stylists Pails still plays top flight tennis and there are reports he challenged Frank Sedgman to a winner-take-all court duel CLEVELAND Dec 21 The Cleveland Browns who once thought championships were as easy to get as good conduct medals make their second try Sunday to regain the National Football League crown they lost in 1951 Coach Paul Brown as cautious as he is eager to wine remarks his players "haven't got it until they get it" But there's not much doubt the improved Browns are in a better position to beat the Detroit Lions this time than they were last year when the Lions dropped them in the championship playoff 17-7 Because the two top Cleveland pass-catchers Dub Jones and Mac on the bench with injuries the Lions were favored by a touchdown last year This time the Browns are picked by about the same margin and for somewhat similar reasons All the Clevelanders except Linebacker Tommy Thompson are in good shape physically while the Lions will be without Pat Harder their rugged blocking fullback whose knees gave out during the regular season In order to get a little more time for the passing of Bobby Layne Coach Buddy Parker moved Halfback Bob ho*rnschemeyer to the blocking spot But even ho*rnschemeyer at 195 pounds will be between 45 and 55 pounds lighter than Cleveland's two crashing ends Lenny Ford and Doug Atkins Cleveland's Otto Graham has had his greatest season passing completing 847 per cent of his throws for an average gain of 105 yards a try BY Associated Press Rice a Alabama football teams resumed practice Monday for their New Year's Day Cotton Bowl game in 4- Dallas Tournament At Houston Rice Coach Jess Entry Blank for Neely announced the names of his 37-man squad that will go to GOLDEN GLOVES Dallas All but one player Halfback Morris Stone is expected Fort Worth Regional to be in good physical condition for the contest Stone joined the Jan 15 16 111 19 squad last week after receiving at a leg injury in early October The Rice Team will have a WILL ROGERS Christmas holiday Dec 24 and 25 MEMORIAL COLISEUM The Owls fly to Dallas the morn-Open to boys 16 years ot age i ing of Dec 30 or older who are amateurs Both teams are working out No entry tees of any kind twice daily Contestants in Fort Worth re Alabama started polishing its tournament will be running attack switching the at-given Golden Glove button tention from passing Quarter and tree admission to state backs Bart Starr Albert Elmore tournament Feb 17 to 22 and 011ie Yates to the Tide's Enter regional tournament standout runners Halfback Corky nearest you Other regional Tharp apparently recovered from tournaments at Abilene Ama a shoulder injury is Alabama's Austin Beaumont leading ground gainer Brownwood Corpus Christi Alabama Coach Harold (Red) Dallas El Paso Galveston Harlingen Houston Lubbock Drew's major concern is injuries Odessa San Antonio Tyler to two top right ends Bud Willis Waco and Wichita Falls and Curtis Lynch Willis' elbow was dislocated last week and Weight Age Lynch received a leg injury Sat urday Name The extent of Lynch injury was expected to be known Monday Address They think Willis will be able City to play New Year's Day Crimson Tide players will have Phone Christmas and Saturday off then fly to Dallas Sunday Experience I The Rice Cotton Bowl squad: Enter me in (check one): Quarterbacks Leroy Fenstemaker Atchley Proctor Pinky Nisbet Buddy Novice class Grantham Halfbacks- Dicky Foegle Gordon Kei1 loaa Morns Stone Carl Johnson Samtny High School class Burke Pate Rovers Mac Taylor Horton NeNrsta Mendel Laviage Open class Fullbacks David tKossei Johnson Bob Garbreeht Don Whitaker Mail entry to Golden Gloves BlelsHristaes Mar- I The Rice Cotton Bowl squad: Enter me In (check one): Quarterbacks Leroy Fenstemaker Atchley Proctor Pinky Nisbet Buddy Novice class Grantham Halfbacks- Dicky Foegle Gordon Kei1 Intia Morris Stone Carl Johnson Samtny High School class BLirke Pate Rogers Mac Taylor Horton NeNrsta Mendel Laviage Open class Fullbacks David tKossei Johnson Bob Garbrecht Don Whitaker Mail entry to Golden Gloves Hart Blois Bridges Mar- hall Appendicitis? It's Just Something to Shake Off Photo Adams North Side student is working to take off enough weight so that he can compete in the bantam divsion of the high school class in next month's regional Golden Gloves Li the operation last summer but I had to work to get money to go back to school" "Oliver planned to fly his team to Raleigh Monday Rio is scheduled to play North Carolina State Tuesday night and Wake Forest Wednesday night Lamar Star Goes 'Just Like Walker' SUCH FANCY COLORS! Never have you seen such a beautiful assortment of imported colors in plumbing as Crawford tA'hortham Don Editor Star-Telegram i Cota Sammy Ward Lamoine Holland Guards Kenneth Paul John Hudson i Treadway Jay Riviere Lew Bar- void Eddie Rayburn Skin Lee EktU 11 ORILI txr National Hockey League LEWTAN'S HOUSTON Dec 21 (iP)--There was a lot of talk about Doak Walker in the press box Saturday as Lamar defeated Odessa for Texas' Class 4A schoolboy football title The resemblance between Nk'al 2000 WHITE SETTLEMENT RD S9 Associated Press Pts Of Oa Detroit 19 1 6 44 98 57 Montreal 20 12 2 42 98 73 Toronto 16 10 6 38 67 52 Boston 13 13 5 31 77 88 New York a 17 1 24 69 95 Chicago 6 24 5 17 66 110 Saints Lead In Big Stale Is YOUR LIOTOR RUNNING HOT? Tackle--Dick Chanman Max Golemea Lavon Cox Spartans Catch Coach Critical Fire Early Of Spartans PAcATWV1 r1 rtr 9i PASADENA Cal Dec 21 GP) MIAMI BEACH Fla Dec 21 even an attack of appendicitis can stop the sensational scoring antics of Clarence (Bevo) Francis the skinny sophom*ore center of Rio Grande College's basket ball team Francis suffered a mild attack Saturday night during Rio's game with the University of Miami and spent the last few minutes of the first quarter on the bench The pains passed quickly and Francis re-entered the game and paced his mates to a 98-88 victory The 6-8 center wasn't up to his usual high-scoring form until the second half but then he cut loose and picked up 32 points to bring his night's total to 48 "Bevo came over to the bench and asked me to take him out when the pain got bad" Coach Newt Oliver reported "In just a few minutes he said he was all right and asked me to send him back in I told him I wasn't interested if it might affect his health but he insisted he was okay and I let him start the second quarter" Francis said Sunday night he planned to continue playing until the basket ball season is over barring a bad attack which would make an operation mandatory "If nothing else happens I'll go ahead and finish the season and then have the operation" Bevo said "I wanted to have LET US CLEAN YOUR RADIATOR AND MOTOR BLOCK WE HAVE THE LATEST EOUIPMENT TOP CLEANING OUT STOPPED UP RADIATORS AND MOTOR BLOCKS You can see for yourself the grease and rust 5 85 removed Chemical cleaned with machine Will save you time and money THE ORIGINAL IN FORT WORTH I ter Fondren Lamar's great tailback and Walker was more than just the number 37 Fondren 47 was wearing College scouts and sports writers c'1" think Fondren 11 has that same something that natural ability hat makes Walker so great Clark Neal on sports tor of Houston Post WALTER tt it this FONDREN aY: "The pand-go style of running and get ting the utmost Out of the threat to pass are the biggest resem blances" I A 1 Liolo'l r- great and former assistant coach at Georgia was another who was "sold" on the 155-pound Lamar star "Fondren showed me everything a great running back can do and he showed it to me on one play" Hunt said "It was that 15- yard run leading to the last Lamar touchdown when he ran out to his left off the spread "He gave 'em the stutter step there for a second or two then pulled out all stops A defensive halfback hit him hard on one leg He let him have that leg but drove off the other and kept right on going "Just before they got him on the four-yard line he pulled the best trick he's got That's the one where he sidles along until a tackler thinks he's got a dead shot at him Right then is when Fondren cuts back into the tackler either bounces off the surprised tackler or runs right through his arms "He's a great runner that By Associated Press St Edward's sets the pace in the Big State Conference basket ball campaign as the league takes out for the holiday period The Austin team has won three conference games out of three and also has the best season record-74 Two members however have not yet swung into conference Texas Baptist and Texas Wesleyan the champion last season East Texas Baptist will be the first team to return to play The Baptists go to Lake Charles La nex week for the Mc Neese College tournament CONFERENCE STANDINGS Pts OPPct St Edward's 3 0 195 148 1000 Southwestern 1 1 113 118 500 Texas Wesleyan 1 0 0 0 000 East Texas Baptist 0 0 0 0 000 Texas Lutheran 0 1 46 68 000 St Marys 0 2 105 125 000 A WRIGHT'S RADIATOR MID MTN BLOCK CLEANING SERVICE MUFFLERS-TAIL PIPES NO CHARGE FOR INSTALLING cool go wrong with Wrightr 1 1701 Stb Ave Since 1944 WI-0169 ULEARIFIG SERVIUE PIPES u'c NO CHARGE FOR INSTALLING II "'Too met gto wrong with Wrightr 1701 Stb Lv Sines 1944 W1-0169 I 1 A lot of hard work is on schedule this week for the Michigan State team preparing for its Rose Bowl game with UCLA on New Year's Day A late Saturday afternoon scrimmage session produced eight touchdowns but Coach Biggie unn as critical of he failure of Michigan Staters to hold Michigan Stoic Most of the scoring plays didn't satisfy the coach "There was one dandy though" Munn admitted "Everyone carried out assignments perfectly on that one" On this play Quarterback Earl Morrall heaved a 70-yard touchdown pass to End Ellis Duckett West Coast sports writers were particularly impressed by Leroy Bolden the hard-hitting high-scoring pint-sized Spartan who bowled through his teammates with methodic fury UCLA scheduled two-a-day praclice sessions resuming Monday Coach Red Sanders who has missed three drills because of a chest cold hoped to be back on the field FOR THE HOLE OFFICE AND INDIVIDUAL SEASON'S ST ANDINGS Pls Op St Edwards I 505 401 South 'intern 5 2 420 396 East Texas Baptist I 3 786 734 St NiaLv's 5 6 747 700 Texas Wesleyan 3 4 458 533 Texas Lutheran 2 5 473 425 I Pct 875 714 100 445 429 286 0 fib RED BALE who scouted Walker and Southern Methodist for 1 Rice Institute said Fondren re1 minds him of Walker in a lot 1 of ways 1 "But I'll tell you when he re minded me most of Doak in this Bale said "It was when 1 he just sort of unconcernedly 1 loped down there for the pass 1 that (Mickey) Smith threw just before the half "Fondren was still unconcerned even after the ball was in the 1 air then turned on everything SHEAFFERS SNORKEL FOUNTAIN PEWS PASADENA Cal Dec 21 OP) A group of Michigan State football players here for the UCLA Rose Bowl game organized into a fire-fighting and rescue crew Sunday when a blaze threatened the Huntington Hotel where they are quartered The fire of undetermined origin started shortly before noon in a basket in a linen closet on the third floor of the main hotel building Many of the players are housed on the same floor of the rambling 300-room hotel No one was injured although a number of players helped firemen bring the blaze under control Fullback Evan Slonac unrolled I hose in the hallway and dragged it down the corridor toward the blaze Helping him on the hose detail vere Center Joe Badaczewski Tackle Jim Jebb Guard Alvin Lee and Halfback Gene Lekenia Center Fred Rody Guard Alvin Lee End Bill Quinlan and Tackle Hank But lough went from room to room to lead the occupants many of them elderly to safety Quinlan and Bullough heeled one elderly woman in a wheel chair down to the lobby One woman appealed to Jebb to find her French poodle and the bg tackle (Tax led into a smoke-filled room calling "Here Doggie here Doggie" until he located the poodle under a bed Three alarms brought seven companies of Pasadena city fire equipment to the scene The fire itself was limited to a small area around the linen closet and a near-by room but smoke and water damage was extensive The damage was estimated at $25000 by Edmoundson Report on Richmond Baseball Park Delayed THE MODEST 17-year-old son of a Houston millionaire dominated statistics on the game Fondren carried the ball 23 times for 145 yards completed five out of 10 passes for 45 yards caught the 28-yard touchdown pass from Smith scored two touchdowns kicked threeextra points punted five times for 174 yards and re turned two kickoffs for 40 yards He had to be pressed into admitting it vi as his best game He said: "Yes I believe this was my best game 1 got some great ZIPPER CASES DESK LAMPS DICTIONAMES DESK SETS BOOK ENDS BLOTTER PADS LIST FINDERS ASH TRAYS DIARIES i after he caught it" West Virginia Rice's Dell Morgan and Charley Moore agreed Moore agreea Shifts Camp BAROMETERS AIR GUIDES SMOKING STANDS JOEL HUNT the former Texas DESKS DAVENPORTS CHAIRS RICHMOND Va Dec 21 uP) Backers of Richmond's projected entry in the International League probably won't know for certain whether they will have a ball park until one day prior to the deadline for finding one Now that the decision has been made that municipally-owned Parker Field is the only suitable playing field in the city for Class AAA baseball everything de pends on whether city council will agree to lease the site Rules and regulations prevent the nine-man council from voting on the matter until Jan 4 and if Richmond's "tentative" franchise in the International is to become definite a park must be guaranteed by midnight Jan 5 BILOXI Miss Dec 21 West 'Virginia seeking the first major bowl victory in its football history opens practice sessions here Monday for a Sugar Bowl date against Georgia Tech The 41-man squad arrived here by plane from Pittsburgh Sunday Coach Art Le is said he WOO Id 4 workouts Fleming Winner With 207 Total um Ofiki DAMAN' FONDREN MISSED two district games because of a serious eye injury received in a practice session In 11 games however he scored 112 points and gained a net of 1752 yards 411 on passes and 1341 rushing Fondren still hasn't decided which college he will attend indicated after Saturday's game however it will be a Texas school 705 Thmckmorton ED-3321 conduct two a day scheduling both morning and afternoon session The two-day schedule be maintained for the rest of the week before the squad begins tapering oil Ieis said Lewis was confident his WW1 taineers winners in eight of nine starts during the regular season would make a good showing against Tech which has been established as a 11CLIVy favorite It a High School Coaches Put Coaches on Spot 'WEST MONROE La Dec 21 Pete Fleming fired a 71 Sunday to win the $1500 Twin Cities Golf Tournament Fleming St Andrews 111 pro had a three-day total of 207 to take first place prize of $SW Seven strokes behind was Buster Cupit of West Monroe whose 214 won $250 Trailing them were Marty Fur-got ith 218 and Labron Harris with 220 Furgol pro at the Lit mont III Country Club collected $150 and Harris Oklahoma golf coach received $100 Top amateur was Eddie Merrins of Meridian Miss with 225 Johnny Myers of Bastrop La was second with 229 and Buddy Sprague of Oklahoma as third with 235 Chances are that Fondren and Smith will choose the same col lege They are inseparable Hunt had just as much praise for Smith as Fondren He thought Smith was particularly great on defense "On one play he almost intercepted a pass 40 yards down the field" Hunt said "On the next he made a great tackle at the line of scrimmage What else can a defensive halfback do?" Weather Slows Blue-Gray Drills BEAUMONT Dec 21 no selections have yet been made for the 1954 all-star high school football game to be played in the Cotton Bowl Aug 13 a new regulation passed by the High School Coaches Association board of directors in Dallas last week could cause some red faces The board ruled that in order for a player to be eligible for the game in 1954 that his head coach must be a member of the THSCA The new regulation also covers the all-star basket ball game to be played Aug 12 at Dallas ote advice NtONTGOMERY Ala Dec 21 Hain and cold forced Bloc and Gray football teams to drill indoors Sunday for their Dec 26 football game at Montgomey Clyde Lee of Houston head coach of the Gray team picked Tom Brake University of Chattanooga guard to replace Bob King ailing player from South Carolina who reported with an injured knee Lee ran his charges through basic formations in the Maxwell Air Force Bast Gym vhile Coach Hip Engle of Penn State set up practice in the Gunter Field Gym For the best and biggest gift of J01111 RUSKIN CIGARS JVIII1 ItU3R111 LitlAt() SPORTS IN BRIEF 1 only the finest is fine enough for Christmas Beautiful gift cartons MIN ails hi where legally permissible 'ii ifeigitY 77 I op bf :9 73 4 Iti -4) vilkit It 1 i tre- 104 N6 A sN ah k0i iht VA I olik 43 -i! 4 4 1 skit AA- 14 2- ill 4 or isArlp i4 A i E' tri 4 StI9rartIS 1 4 1 90 :0 ti A For the ci- 40 I A- AS ''p' -40ty 3 IA" Names at the Ton Ihr'l ft -WV Ilksi V- 1 1 foss 010! 41 kir of Your List rs 1t4 VI 10 Si Zy i I to 017 7 AiW StagraM15 you Lek Sure Ait'' 1t44- Icil'Ae-ZL'vo 4'T-r-' A tiNItai N't:) igt It :4 I 0 A wt 0 4 rt oit: -tt 1 II)' 0 :113 surgri ans (rIS 0 eis' az 4 on I of '1 41 Stan raMS oat 44 i 1 Irs s1--------- 05 it 1 lta Imilm -sz C7' ic wonst 0 CI mA imams OMB ums VoSP' 11 Only the finest is '----zDr imt0 fine enough for Chrtstmas aa 1 i Ir Nba MOP woo Beautiful gift cartons lill a i I A 1 where legally permissible Fifty pkasant ways to say "Merry Christmas" to every smoker on your list Flavorful mild JOHN RUSKIN cigars will recall your thoughtfulness 11) with every delightful puff You'll appreciate the low "appreciate the high quality! Fifty pkasant ways to say "Merry Christmas" to every smoker on you list Flavorful mild JOHN RUSKI cigars will recall your thoughtfulne with every delightful puff You'll ---N appreciate the low appreciate the high quality! North Works on Running I 6 each Gift Wrapped in loxes of 50 13 1440 0414 (II) i Pd 1 IN :2) 7)- 1 e7 ift 4 5: 6 of 4-'--! -ij A Gift WroPPed vse61 06 in loxes -C417 a )7it- --'1144'4'144-V 0 JOHN RUSKIN V'l- 11z- 4 MIAMI Dee 21 Stu Holcomb of Purdue stressed running pm ter NIonday as the North football team prepared for its game against the South in the Orange Bowl Christmas night Andy Gustafson of Miami the South coach ran team members throtigh a series of passing plays By Associated Press GOLF Lloyd Mangrum defending champion captured his fourth Montebello Open as he shot a 6-under-par 66 in the closing round for a 202 total in the 54-hole tournament at Los Angeles TENNIS Singles victories by Tony Trabert and Vie Sehas gave the United States a 41 conquest of Belgium at Bris bane Australia and the right to meet Australia in the Davis Cup challenger round Art Larsen of San Leandro Cal on the Lima Peru interna tional tournament by defeating Budge Patty of Los Angeles 6-2 6-2 6-4 Sword cap-gored the 65000 Coral Gables Purse at Tropical Miami Fla Dr Moore took the $5000 Pontchartrain Handicap at the New Orleans 'Fair Grounds Grey Tower won the $10 000 Au Revoir Handicap to close the fall and winter meet tug at Bay Meadows San Mateo Cal Layne Named Skipper Of San Angelo Team SAN ANGELO Dee 21 (Sp1) Hillis Layne former infielder with the Washington Sena 4ors and last year manager at Anderson of the Class Tri-State League vcill pilot the San Angelo Colts in the Longhorn League in 1954 SEACRAMDISIILLERS CORPORATION NEW YORK CITY 868 PROOF CANADIAN WHISKY -A SIEND01 RARE SELECTED WHISKIES-8 YEARS OLD SEACRAMDISIILEERS CORPORATION NEW YORK CITY 868 PROOF CANADIAN WHISKY -A RLENDOF RARE SEIECTED WH1SKIES-8 YEARS OLD TRINITY CIGAR CO FORT WORTH DISTRIBUTOR li 0 a' a.

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Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)


Does the Fort Worth Star-Telegram still exist? ›

The Star-Telegram is the nation's oldest continuously operating online newspaper.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Placing an obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram starts at $55.00.

How many years has the Fort Worth Star-Telegram been in business? ›

About Us. The Fort Worth Star was founded in 1906 and merged with the Fort Worth Telegram in 1909 to become the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The newspaper bears a rich and colorful legacy tied to the Old West.

How to contact Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

If you're ready to learn more and see how advertising with The Fort Worth Star-Telegram can connect you with a truly local audience across print, digital and more, contact us at 1‑800‑671‑9401 or email us to get started.

What was the last telegram ever sent? ›

The last telegram was sent from India – the last major country to shut down its 163 year old telegram service. The service was no longer needed, as e-mail and texting had replaced the telegraph and bicycle telegram messengers.

Are there any telegram lines left? ›

Although commercial "telegraph" services are still available in many countries, transmission is usually done via a computer network rather than a dedicated wired connection.

Who owns Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

The Star-Telegram is one of 30 news media organizations owned by the McClatchy Co., which is a private company owned by Chatham Asset Management. Chatham is a New Jersey-based investment company that bought McClatchy in September 2020 after McClatchy had filed for bankruptcy.

Why do newspapers charge so much for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in a local paper? ›

An average obituary can easily be $200.00-500.00. Costs vary by publication. Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

How to cancel Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-776-7827. Your subscription is subject to additional Terms of Service at

How much does telegram make? ›

The messenger Telegram recorded a revenue of almost 6.1 million U.S. dollars from in-app purchases worldwide in February 2024. The IAP revenue was higher than in the previous month.

Who is the editor of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Steve Coffman is the president and editor of and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. He has more than 30 years of experience in the news business, starting as a reporter and working in a variety of editing roles in New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kansas and Texas.

Does the telegraph still exist? ›

Although the telegraph was replaced by fully digital communication in the 1970s and 1980s, the technology pioneered by its use can still be seen today.

Does Fort Worth still exist? ›

Fort Worth, city, seat of Tarrant county, north-central Texas, U.S. It lies at the confluence of the Clear and West forks of the Trinity River and constitutes the western portion of the Dallas–Fort Worth urban area, known locally as the Metroplex.

Do they do telegrams anymore? ›

The International Telegram Company took over the Western Union service and is still delivering telegrams to this day. There are other telegram companies still operating across the world. The International Telegraph website says there are still 17 million telegrams being delivered every year.

Is telegram still available? ›

User reports indicate no current problems at Telegram

Telegram is a cross platform mobile messaging app for smart phones and tablets for iOS, Android and several other platforms.


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.