Angel Corn Recipe on Food52 (2024)


by: Cory Baldwin



39 Ratings

  • Prep time 15 minutes
  • Cook time 45 minutes
  • Serves 6 to 8

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Author Notes

“Angel corn” has been a part of my family’s holiday spread as far back as I can remember. Growing up, it was like crack to me, my sister, and my cousins—a magnificent excuse for a vegetable. As far as kid-approved sides go, it was right up there with Grandma’s pineapple-strawberry jello mold, which somehow passed for fruit and was inexplicably laid out alongside the turkey instead of the pumpkin pie. —Cory Baldwin

  • Test Kitchen-Approved

What You'll Need

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  • 2 (16-ounce) bags frozen corn (or about 4 1/2 to 5 cups fresh corn kernels)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 cupsheavy cream
  • 2 tablespoonsbrown sugar
  • 2 tablespoonssnipped fresh chives, plus more for optional garnish
  • 1/4 teaspoonfreshly grated nutmeg
  • 8 tablespoons(1 stick) unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cupplus a heaping 1/3 cup crumbled Ritz crackers, divided
  • Salt and lots of freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly butter a large 9x13-inch casserole dish.
  2. If using frozen corn, steam and drain the kernels. If using fresh, scrape kernels off the cob.
  3. Beat the egg, cream, and brown sugar in a large bowl until just blended. Stir in chives and nutmeg. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in corn kernels.
  4. Combine 1 cup of the crumbled Ritz crackers with 6 tablespoons of the melted butter. Add to the corn mixture. Stir until combined. Pour into the casserole dish.
  5. Toss remaining cracker crumbs with the remaining 2 tablespoons melted butter. Sprinkle buttered crumbs over the top of the pudding.
  6. Bake uncovered until golden brown and slightly firm to the touch, about 45 minutes.
  7. Optional: Garnish with more snipped fresh chives.


  • Casserole/Gratin
  • American
  • Corn
  • Entertaining
  • Friendsgiving
  • Holiday
  • Fall
  • Thanksgiving
  • Side

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18 Reviews

AntoniaJames November 25, 2023

Delicious!! Definitely a keeper. ;o)

Alastair January 3, 2021

Made this while watching a movie at 1am Jan 3 (Happy 2021 Everybody!!).
Bringing an authentic Tortiere to my parents tomorrow (made by a Quebecois friend...haha) and 80 percent of this's ridiculously tasty. Definitely going to be my first lie of this year. "Oh it's nothing, just something I threw together." ;))

OOOH!! Bad manners!! Thanks so much!!!

Alastair January 3, 2021

Made this while watching a movie at 1am Jan 3 (Happy 2021 Everybody!!).
Bringing an authentic Tortiere to my parents tomorrow (made by a Quebecois friend...haha) and 80 percent of this's ridiculously tasty. Definitely going to be my first lie of this year. "Oh it's nothing, just something I threw together." ;))

danajeans November 26, 2020

I liked this and made it as is for a Thanksgiving side. My only gripe (and it's not really a gripe, but a personal taste thing) is that it would have been great with about half as much butter.

Kelsea N. November 25, 2020


MarZig February 22, 2020

This looks and the ingredients read DELISH!

Traci K. January 31, 2020

I made this as a side dish for my in-laws and they loved it! I prepped it before arriving and then stuck it in the oven for the indicated time. So simple! The family wants me to make it again.

Christine B. December 27, 2019

I made this this year for a Friendsgiving... was then asked to bring it to a potluck of which I was then asked by 4 people for the recipe and now asked to bring it to a New Year’s Eve party... HUGE hit!
I add the whole sleeve of ritz ( my hubby’s favorite cracker) to the mix and then crumble another section for the topping. It truly lives up to its cherubic namesake!

[emailprotected] November 17, 2019

Would it be possible to substitute bread crumbs for the crackers?

MarZig February 22, 2020

Why not? Thats how a recipe becomes your own! Don't be afraid to try.

Jennifer B. November 21, 2018

Have you put it together the night before? Just add the cracker topping before baking?

Cory B. November 23, 2018

We'll usually bake the whole thing the day before and then pop it in the oven once the turkey is out to reheat! I'm sure assembling the night before would work too. How did it turn out?

Jennifer B. November 23, 2018

I was afraid that it may not overnight well so I just made it the day of and it turned out was a hit and I will be making it from now on instead of my old corn pudding recipe. Thanks!

Jaye B. November 24, 2018

Cory - do you put it in the oven cold to reheat or let it come to room temp first? At what temperature and for how long to reheat?

Cory B. November 24, 2018

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! :)

Cory B. November 24, 2018

I'll usually let it come to room temp first and I'll put it in at 350 for 20-30 minutes (or whenever we are ready to eat! honestly I don't think about it too much)

Pat D. November 21, 2018

My Mom always made this during the holidays and I have continued this tradition. Our family recipe adds poached oysters to the corn. I remember the year when my brother ate all of the Ritz crackers the night before and we had to use soda crackers!

Cory B. November 21, 2018

How funny! I'll have to try the oyster version some time :)

Angel Corn Recipe on Food52 (2024)


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